I am living. Really living.
I have to confess, some days I feel stuck. Like I'm just sitting around while the rest of the world keeps going. This could be credited to not having a job at the moment, feeling purposeless, or sheer laziness. Probably a combination of the three. It's ugly really. To think that even a second of a day could be wasted. To think that I've made that choice could completely hinder me from moving forward, or catapult me into moving because I know the sick taste of idleness.
Thankfully our God is a Merciful God. Thankfully He knows the plans he has for me, plans for hope, and a future. Plans to prosper me. Praise Him.
Tonight, as I was on Facebook of all things, I was reminded that God hasn't left me here. Instead, He has put me here. He has put me in a community full of people that are letting The Lord speak and move through them to literally shape me. I want to tell you a little bit about them...
God has given me a treasure of a friend, sister, and shoulder to know me and love me still. She lets me tag along with her and her husband and never once makes me feel like the awkward third wheel. She prays with me, for me, and even despite me sometimes. Our friendship is permanent. I know this because it has walked through many living hells and it's still intact. I am blessed.
God has given me an amazing mentor, discipler, and friend to walk with me through things I might not have the strength to even whisper to anyone else. When the valley of the shadow comes she tells me to go to the throne before the phone. Then she meets me at the throne and prays and walks with me. I am blessed.
God has given me a crazy wonderful sister to have life with and lead with. She thinks that somehow I teach her, but I promise you it's the other way around. She has taught me so much with her passion for obedience. God has graced me with her beautiful voice, musical talent and passion for loving others well. Let me be the first to tell you that she does, in fact, love others very, very well. I am blessed.
God has given me another fabulous sister to share life with and lead with that is just out of this world. She has so much joy and passion and is fiercely beautiful inside and out. Her honesty is a breath of fresh air and challenges me to be honest as well. I am blessed.
God has given me a brother that leads so very well. His passion for the gospel and making sure every eye sees and every ear hears is like nothing I have ever seen before. He challenges us to seek The Lord and to lead well daily. He prays for us, with us, and for us again. He is there when we have hard questions and always takes us back to the word. I am blessed.
God has given me another brother that really does lead well. He is genuine and honest. He keeps us entertained always and blesses us more than you could imagine with his musical talents. He has a gift for leading people into worship, straight to the feet of Jesus. I am blessed.
I am not stuck. Far from it. I am living. Really living. God has given me so much! I have a spiritual family that blows my mind, and together we are allowing The Lord to use us to change lives. Will we always be here doing this? No. One of us is probably moving soon. I am probably moving shortly after that. People will graduate and move on, but I will always be blessed by these people and this season The Lord has given me.
I know I didn't mention names but I'm pretty sure you all know who you are. Thank you. I am going to miss you all so so much when God calls us elsewhere. Thankfully we're not there yet. :-)