So I realize it has almost been two months since I last posted a blog... I am so sorry. A lot of real life has been lived and that is why my social media life has suffered! Let me catch you up...
My Sweet friend Katie Sandy offered to take pictures of the Amina Jewelry and got a few of Ana and I in the process.
Isn't she cute? Isn't our jewelry fabulous?! The rest of the pictures haven't come back to me yet but I will share them when they do!

This picture is great. Like I-want-to-put-in-the-center-of-our-living-room-in-a-frame great. Meet Jimmy. He is one of our night guards from our security service. He is our favorite. Clearly Jimmy would never let anything harm us on his watch. We are safe. Thank you Jimmy!

Okiror Bosco's mom produced! Bosco now has a sweet baby sister. She hasn't been named yet, but I'm pulling for Callie!

The I Choose You kids are basically on holiday now! This is great because we get to play more and work less. I can't wait for next week! I am hoping they will all come to work with their mothers in the mornings and I can hang out with them!

Aren't these two girls cuties? They are best friends, and a load of fun and sass! I love these girls.

This little creature ended up on our gate a couple weeks ago. I don't do creepy crawly things, especially when they are slimy. Ick.

It decided to come out and say hello! Gross!

Do you see the cloud sitting on the mountain?! The picture doesn't come close to capturing how cool it was. We love our mountain!

I am from Texas, and in my family we get new dresses every Easter. My baby sister bought Chede and Ana these cute dresses for Christmas and I knew they would make perfect Easter dresses. Aren't they cute?!

Last November when Darby and I were at the Bethany Lutheran Christmas Market A very sweet woman gave me this tutu for Ana. I finally let her wear it the other day!

I don't have the contact of the lady that gave us the tutu, but if you're seeing this thank you! Ana loves it!

So if you didn't see the facebook post, Ana has been using water and coke zero bottles as baby dolls. I mentioned it on facebook and got overwhelming response! A woman form my home church generously offered to buy Ana a baby and found one that isn't white and already bought it and gave it to my mom to send with the team! I am so humbled. A sweet friend in town also offered to give Ana a baby doll she had.

Here in Uganda, women tie their babies to their backs to carry them. As ana was playing with her baby she took one of my scarves and held up her baby to me and asked me to help her tie it on her back!

Here in Uganda women also hold their babies on their backs without anything tied to them. They let their babies sleep this way while they work. It amazes me. Ana decided her baby needed to sleep like this too.
Thank you Valerie and Katie for the baby dolls. Ana is so loved by so many people. I am so thankful for your generosity!
A few things pictures can't capture...
Every day in town I get the typical, "Is that your baby?" question from people. Sometimes, the way they ask is just too hilarious. My favorite up until recently has been, "Eh! Mzungu, you have produced a very black baby!" but there is a new favorite now. The other day as I was getting on a boda someone said, "Mzungu, how you born black baby?" The best part is that they were 100% serious and expecting an answer! Sometimes people will ask me if her father is black african. I have come up with many responses in my head, but I fear none of them are approriate to actually say. The one I am tempted to answer with every time is, "No, he is Mzungu! We don't know what happened!" I have to bite my tongue every time. (I. Am. So. Funny!)
I wish I had pictures for proof of what I am about to tell you but I don't. You are going to have to believe me that this is true.
I always thought that if you wanted to transport a cow you needed a trailor or something like that. I was wrong. Other acceptable means of trasporting cows around here are: Holding it across your lap on a boda (motorcycle taxi), tying it to the back of a boda, or putting it in the back of a truck and tying all four legs to the sides of the bed. Yes, I have seen these in real life. No, I'm not lying.
This is hard for me to admit, but I missed a once in a lifetime opportunity. I was in Namatala the other day and passed a herd of cows standing on and around a trash pile. Now this isn't anything out of the ordinary except that when I looked again I noticed that one of the cows was on the very top of the dumpster, holding its head high and observing its kingdom. You have to understand that there is a huge mound of trash on the ground, a dumpster on top of that, and another large pile of trash on top of the dumpster. The cow was on top of the pile of trash in the dumpster. He was king. And I missed the photo opp. I will live with regret for the rest of my life.
On a slighlty more serious note, Emily and I have been working on getting our home ready for the team that is coming in May. I am really pleased with how it is looking and I am so excited to host my friends and family in it!
We are both very excited about some new things happening in I Choose You and our plans for the time we have with the team. I can't wait to share more with you!
Now you have a glimpse of the past month or so! I promise I will try not to take this long to write again.
Love yall!
~ Callie