Posts like this are never easy to write. It would be so nice to never have to ask people for money but as a missionary that is just not the reality. I have gone back and forth about what to write and how honest to be. I was encouraged today to share from my heart and to be honest about where I am at with my finances, so that is what I am going to do. I believe in being faithful in the small things, in doing what is within your power to do, and trusting God to be mighty and faithful with the rest. So I have decided to do what I can do and leave the rest up to God. Sharing this information is not easy for me. It makes me feel vulnerable more than just about anything else can!
I bought a plane ticket about a month ago on total faith that the money would come in. I only had enough for half of the plane ticket in my account at the time, and it was such a sweet blessing from the Lord that some very generous people stepped in to provide the rest. (If you haven't heard the story feel free to scroll down and read, "The story behind the plane ticket!") I got busy writing support letters and sending them out. About 300 letters later and a couple talks at church, here I am waiting for responses and for God to provide.
I had a bit of a breakdown today. For a while a steady stream of support letters were coming back to me and I wasn't worrying at all. Then they stopped. Today I just couldn't hold in all of the fear and worry anymore. One of my best friends called me to say hi and could tell I wasn't ok. She asked me what was going on and the floodgates opened. I'm so thankful for this sweet friend and the truth and prayers she spoke over me today. Sometimes it can all feel like too much.
I have raised about 25% of my monthly commitment support goal so far. I have had some sweet supporters give one time gifts too. If I were to look at the short term picture, January to June, I'm about half way to my goal with monthly commitments and one time donations combined. If I were to look at the long term goal, having a sending family that supports me monthly, I am only 25% of the way to being fully funded long term.
If I'm honest, this terrifies me! I leave in 21 days! My flesh wants the security of being fully funded. I know that God will provide and that I do not need to worry, but I still struggle daily with wanting to know when I will be funded and where the money will come from. I know that God will open the eyes and hearts of supporters, but my human nature worries that people are tired of giving. I'm fighting off lies from the enemy that tell me I can't trust God to come through for me financially.
But I know the truth!
I know that God is Faithful. (2 Tim 2:13)
I know that He alone provides for all of my needs. (Phil 4:19, Mat 6:30)
I know that God is for me, and not against me! (Rom 8:28-32)
I'm holding onto these wonderful truths and doing what I can do today. Will you pray with me? Will you give if the Lord puts it on your heart to give? Will you come alongside me by sharing this post, telling your friends, connecting me to people that have a heart to give, sharing fundraising ideas with me, or whatever it is that the Lord places on your heart to do?
I need about $2500 to feel secure for January - June. I need about 35 more people to come alongside me as a member of my sending family giving $30 a month in order to be fully funded long term. These are big goals! I know that The Lord will provide. Will you respond if you feel Him leading your heart to give? I am so thankful for your sacrifice.
I can't wait to share the story of how the Lord made a way. Will you be part of it?!
For information on giving, hover your mouse over "More" at the top left of the screen and then click on "Donations". Thank you!!