Friday, November 27, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving!

It’s funny being in a country where Thanksgiving isn’t celebrated. It’s quite a bit harder to be in the Holiday spirit! Strangely the lack of Holiday spirit makes it easier to remember the true meaning behind the holidays and I find myself constantly thinking of things I’m thankful for in my life. (Unfortunately this also tends to bring about waves of homesickness for me. Having two homes is bittersweet.) I thought I would take time to share about what I am most thankful for this year and hopefully get you thinking about all of your many blessings as well!

I am thankful for My God. This week I have felt the acceptance and unconditional love of the Lord more than I have in a long time. Some current events in my life have made me aware that I carry unbelief and mistrust more than I thought. In the mercy and kindness of the Lord, I have been reaffirmed through the blessings he has given me recently. Blessings that I think I had just concluded would never come to me.

More than that, I have felt the blessed assurance of salvation. It comes over me in waves. With each new day and each new experience I remember that it is all worth nothing compared to love of my savior. I have all of these amazing new blessings in my life and when I think about them I can easily be overcome with fear of what would happen if I lost them. Still the lord in his loving kindness reminds me each day that He will never leave me, that I can depend on Him and Him alone, and that when I put my trust in Him I will not be shaken. Oh what a comfort it is to know that regardless of circumstances in my life I have my one true love and I am held and whole. Thank you Lord for reminding me that you are the rock my life stands on. You are my fortress, my shelter, and my ever-present help in trouble. (And in abundant blessings!)

I am also thankful for friends. I have an AMAZING group of girls that live with me and just down the street from me. All of us are so different from each other but we have the most fun!  Jess, Malinda, Sarah, Melanie, and Natalie: Life would just be too boring without you. I have never laughed so much or had this much fun. Y’all are the best and I am extremely grateful for you in this season. You make the homesickness bearable and the joys of this new season of life so much more fun to squeal about. I love you all so, so much!

I also have an amazing group of friends in America that take time out of their busy lives to remain in mine from across the world. Grace and Krystal, life would be so much harder (and much more boring!) without your love and support and all of the awesome memories we have together. We are what they call “lifers” and I can’t wait to see where the future takes all of us. I love you girls!

I am thankful for the Jenga staff. I wish all of you could meet this crazy bunch of co-workers that I have! There is never a dull moment in the office and these people are rock stars at what they do. There is so much love and friendship in the office and a strong sense of community between us all. It’s beautiful and wonderful and now I’m turning to mush so I need to move on.

I am overcome with thankfulness for my family. I’m not sure if absence makes the heart grow fonder or if it just magnifies the fondness that is already there. Either way, being away during this holiday season is making me remember just how wonderful my family is. We have all sorts of family traditions that I don’t think about when they happen year after year, but are leaving a crater in my heart right now. Every one of you, on all sides, holds such a special place in my heart. You are the people that shape my life the most and your absence is felt very much right now. I love y’all!

I am thankful for my precious nephew that will be joining us in a few short months! I have tried not to gush too much on Facebook or in my blog but I am dying to meet this little guy! All I can think about is how precious Matthew was as a little boy and how many hilarious stories he gave us that we still tell. (Turn around, face the wall, shoot me! Haha! Matthew was the best.) I can’t wait to meet my nephew and watch him grow up. I hope he is fiery and fun just like Matthew but with all of Dru’s kindness and sweet spirit. Baby boy, you have an aunt Callie that has waited her whole life for you to arrive! I love you more than you could ever imagine and I am already your biggest fan. I am going to kiss your face off when you arrive so get ready!

I could go on and on about all of the things I am thankful for. I am so glad to have this opportunity to have some stillness around the holidays that allows me to reflect on the really important stuff. I hope you find some stillness in the busyness of the holidays to reflect upon all of the Lord’s blessings in your life as well.

I love you all and I am so thankful for you. Happy Thanksgiving!