I mentioned in an earlier post that I would be posting the blog entries from the time I spent in Uganda last year. I realize that probably no one other than my best friends and maybe my mom read this but I like to pretend like someone is reading and has been DYING to read the posts from last years trip. :-) So...these are the first two! (I will normally just do one but the first one is rather boring :-) so I added the second one as well!) Happy reading!
June 5, 2011
I made it to Uganda!
I am writing this on my iPhone from my hotel room in Mbale, Uganda. I'M IN UGANDA! haha :-) there is so much to say I don’t know where to start. Well, the plane rides were fine. I sat next to cute Italian man on the first flight and next to a guy with an incredible story about his wife on the second flight. During our layover we decided 10 hrs was too long to spend in the London airport so after asking a few questions we ventured into London. I wish we had more time but from the little time we did have I think I like London ;-) haha. When we landed in Entebbe it felt like a movie. All around us were trees, grass, and red dirt. Then we had to walk down some stairs outside to get off the plane. It was cool. Then we got in the van and started driving to Mbale. There is so much I want to say but haven’t been able to process it all yet. Basically while we were driving I had to ask God for forgiveness. It is so easy to pretend like what you hear about people living in huts and scrounging for food is just a story that someone made up to make you try to be thankful for what you have. But driving past all of those people, real people that have basically nothing, makes you know it’s unfortunately not just some made up story. Like I said we haven’t been to Namatala yet but we are going first thing in the morning. I’m sure I will have plenty to say about that tomorrow night. Until then please go to ichooseyoublog.blogspot.com and read about what God did in the first team. Also please read about the 11 month old boy that needs surgery for his stomach/intestines. I don’t want to have to explain and we are going to see him Tuesday so I’ll be writing about it later. I love all of you so much! Thanks for supporting me on this journey :-)
June 6 2011
June 6, 2011
June 6 2011
June 6, 2011
This is very typical of the area we are in. This is “downtown” I don’t have a picture of what “the neighborhood” looks like on my phone but I’ll try to get one up soon.
June 6 2011
June 6, 2011
This little girl has STOLEN my heart :-)
June 6, 2011
June 6, 2011
That seems to be all I can say lately. Wow. I have never seen people that have so little in my entire life. I also have never seen people that have so much joy and love so well. Today we went to Namatala. As soon as we got there we went to pray with the little boy that is having surgery tomorrow. (I’ll try to figure out what his name is soon.) After we were done praying for him his dad came out of their hut. Apparently this was everyone’s first time meeting him. He said thank you a bunch of times and said “God has blessed.” that opened the door to Becky asking him if he was a Christian and he said no he was a Muslim. Then he said that he knew that God did this for him and he needed to change and he wanted to change. Then Becca lead him in a prayer of salvation after explaining to him that the prayer doesn’t save you, it is what you believe in your heart. It was beautiful. Then we went on to see a woman named Regina that has been very sick. They have prayed for her already with the first team so we went to check on her. She said she was beginning to feel better. She is still sick but definitely better than she was. We prayed for her again and talked with her for a while. She was so thankful to God for healing her and she isn’t even 100% yet! After that we went to see an old lady named Margaret. She was also sick. We prayed for her and talked to her for a while. Being at Margaret's hut was the first time it sunk in how bad these people have it. When we walked up Becky told us that all of the different piles of rocks were graves of family members. Then we saw Margaret working and while she was working we saw her throw up. Speechless. Heart. Broken. Working hard while your sick. And she has to be at least 85. Anyways. After that we walked around for a while then went to find Musa’s mom so that Lauri could see their hut. When we were at Musa’s hut someone told us that Sandra was sick with malaria. So we went with Sandra’s mom to their hut to pray for her. Poor girl looked miserable. But they were all so thankful for our prayers. After that we walked around some more and began our hunt for a 12 year old boy that Ted is determined to find. While we were walking and searching another group of kids came up to us and with them was the little girl in the picture I posted. She can’t be older than 1 1/2 or 2. Her poor little tummy was sticking out and she wasn’t really saying anything or playing which worried me. I picked her up and tried to get her to do something like laugh or play or SOMETHING but all I got was a quick smile. I sure hope she is ok. Guess we will find out.
Everywhere you go here there are kids running up to you wanting to hold your hand or be held or have their picture taken! It’s so sweet and fun :-) I have a ton of pictures that I can’t wait to post when I get home! (too slow here) I have sooo much more to say but it is dinner time so I have to go. I’ll finish telling about my day later tonight!
If you would like to help or support your prayers are ALWAYS welcome. If you would like to support ichooseyou financially please consider sponsoring a child. The blog is “ichooseyoublog.blogspot.com” for more information.
Everywhere you go here there are kids running up to you wanting to hold your hand or be held or have their picture taken! It’s so sweet and fun :-) I have a ton of pictures that I can’t wait to post when I get home! (too slow here) I have sooo much more to say but it is dinner time so I have to go. I’ll finish telling about my day later tonight!
If you would like to help or support your prayers are ALWAYS welcome. If you would like to support ichooseyou financially please consider sponsoring a child. The blog is “ichooseyoublog.blogspot.com” for more information.
To Be Continued...
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