God is good ALL THE TIME!!! I can't even count all the times he has proven his love and his provision for me this semester! It has been amazing lately to see God answer prayers that I never really even prayed. God KNOWS what we want and what we need and He loves us enough to set things in motion before we even ask.Thank you Lord for your amazing love!!!
Here is June 11, 2011:
So much to catch up on! Beautiful Flower :-)
Friday we got up early and went to chapel at covenant, the school that the ichooseyou kids go to. That was awesome. They started off singing worship songs then they sang a song to greet us. The kids lead the music! It is so sweet and they are so good! After all of that each class had to stand up and say their memory verse for the week. They were so good! It was so sweet :-) then Lauri got to teach them for a while and at the end she taught them to say “howdy Christian!” haha it was so cute! We left chapel and went to Namatala to try to find the girl with the wounded leg so that Becky could re clean and dress it but when we got there we couldn’t find her. We walked all over Namatala letting Haley see more of it and looking for this girl but we never found her. We checked on Baby Loru and he is doing well! He was getting his IV and being looked at when we got there and he was NOT happy but as soon as the nurse left he was fine again. They made the bandage go all the way around him now. I’m not sure why. But the hole in his stomach where his intestines are out is uncovered. Right after the surgery it was pretty much inside him but it is starting to come out a little more now which is fine I’ve heard. After the next surgery in 7 or 8 weeks he will be completely fixed! We went to mama Aidah’s house for lunch. James, one of the cooks, made spaghetti. It was good! Finally something that doesn’t involve potatoes lol. Then Sarah was going to do our hair but we wanted to buy stuff from the sewing ladies first before it rained. Didn’t work. As soon as we got there it started raining haha. But it was fun! We took our time figuring out what we wanted. The sewing ladies were amazed at how much we were buying haha. They make good stuff! :-) it was so much fun! Those ladies are awesome. I love being with them! It finally stopped raining enough for us to go back to mama Aidah’s and when we got there it stopped completely. Sarah put a few braids in our hair out on the front porch. That was fun! Becky took mama Flower inside for a while to tell her that someone wanted to sponsor Paul through high school so he could graduate and save his money for university. Mama Flower cried and cried and was telling Becky how God has taken care of them. Her husband left when Esther was born and she has done an amazing job raising her kids! This family so deserves a chance. Florence was with us while all of this was happening because Becky had invited her to stay the night at the hotel with us. She was telling us what a difference this is making in their lives and thanking her sponsor and it was so sweet. Such a sweet sweet girl. I wish I could bring her home with me. :-)
On the way home I found out that Wasawa is really spelled Wasswa, and he is a twin but his twin is a girl! Babilye is her name. Just thought that was cool. We also met his son. Very attractive young man! Haha :-)
Florence, also known as Flower, came to the hotel to stay the night with us. We. Had. So. Much. Fun! Hahaha. Oh what a night. first we came in and changed into our swimsuits. We went down to the pool and flower was so excited. She said the last time she swam was in p3 or p4 (2nd or 3rd grade) and now she is on p7! (6th grade) we all jumped in and she was so cold! Haha we had to teach her to move around in the water to get warm. Then we showed her that you can float on your back. Oh it was fun after that! She wanted to try but she didn’t want me to let go of her. I had to stand behind her and hold her back while she tried to float. It was hilarious! Water was going everywhere and we were laughing and people were looking at us like we were crazy. It was great. Becky has pictures I think. We spent a long time in the pool playing and getting flower to try to float without me holding her. Then we got out and she was Really cold. (you should see the people here. Anything below 100 is cold to them. It was 70 ish in the morning today and everyone had on their thick winter coats! It was hilarious. Even when it is mid to high 80’s people will have on long sleeves. So funny!) we all ordered drinks and she got hot tea to warm up. We put 3 towels around her and I held her close to me to warm her up. Poor girl was shivering. Then we came back to the room and showered. This was great. Flower asked me if she needed to wear her swimsuit in the shower and if the water was hot or cold. She was very excited to hear that it was hot. Then I’m not sure why but she kept turning the water on and off while she was in there. It was so sweet. While she was showering Haley and I decided to give her a real American girly sleepover. Of course, what is a girly sleepover without a makeover?! Haha so when we all were showered and dressed we pulled out the makeup! She was STUNNING! Flower is naturally gorgeous. She could be a supermodel without a trace of make up. But it was so fun to see sparkles and color on her beautiful skin. Hopefully I can post a picture soon so you will understand what I mean about her being so beautiful. She has no idea how beautiful she is either. She is tall and thin and has flawless skin and the most beautiful eyes, cheeks, nose and chin. Goodness I wish all of you could meet her. And her whole family! They are all beautiful and have beautiful hearts. (flower is mama Flower’s oldest daughter. Mama Flower has 4 children: Paul, Michael, Florence (Flower), and Esther (aka Queen Esther :-)) Esther is 5 and she is going to be just as beautiful as Flower. Anyways, after we did her make up she was looking at herself in our mirror and posing like a model (and was good at it! Haha) then we all finished getting ready for dinner and put on our new jewelry from the sewing ladies (I let Flower wear the beads I got for my sister!) and went to dinner. We had pizza! Flower had never had pizza before. It was great! She really liked it! Then we came back up to go to bed. They had brought us an extra mattress so I made Flower sleep on my bed. (yes I said made. I had to guilt her into sleeping on it. Haha if she is going to have a hotel experience she is going to have the full experience. And a mosquito net. That’s important. I can’t imagine anything happening to my Flower.) I slept SO GOOD last night. I hadn’t slept at all the night before so it was great to have slept so well. It was great to have Flower with us when we woke up too! What a night. :-) great memories made for all of us!
Today we went to the church to have a fun day with the kids and their moms. They sang for us and we had peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. We gave the girls head bands with flowers on them and the boys baseball caps with their name on it. We had clothes and shoes for all of them and fun stuff like bubbles, chalk and Frisbees to play with. Some of the kids had prepared songs and dances for us and some just wanted to say thank you. Vickie, one of our ichooseyou girls said thank you and was saying how much it has changed he life and started crying! I cried too. She ran over to Becky and hugged her and cried some more and it was so sweet. It’s so great to see exactly how much they feel blessed by what God has done through Becky and Ted and ichooseyou. Then we all got to hang out for a while and play with the kids! it was a great day. Flower sat with me for a while. She was self conscious of how tall she is and how big her feet were because there weren’t any dresses or shoes in her size. The dresses were too short and they didn’t have any shoes her size. (sound familiar anyone? My sister and I know exactly how that feels) but I got to tell her that God made her perfectly. She is a creation of God and our God never makes a mistake. He made her perfect and beautiful. Did I mention how beautiful she is?! Haha :-) Flower, if you are reading this, I love you. You are a daughter of the most high king. He created you perfectly beautiful and has GREAT plans for you. It is ok that you do not know what you want to be yet. God has plans specifically for you and you are going to do great things for him! You are forever my sister :-) I love you.
I am so tired now. And I am hungry but I am tired of the food here. I am Going to go see what kind of crazy combination of food we can find. Wish me luck! I’ll write more later!
Me crying holding the two most beautiful baby girls in Africa. Having to say goodbye.
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