Where to begin?! I guess with an apology. I know I haven't been the greatest at posting blog updates and I'm truly sorry. Life happens, even here in Uganda, and I always seem to be busy with other things. So with that I will also warn you that this post may be all over the road. I'm going to attempt to cover a lot of what has been going on but it may not be as cohesive as I would like. In fact, I think I'll just use headings and try to at least keep it somewhat organized that way.
The children are on Holiday! I really hate to rub this in but... I get to see the kids EVERY DAY! It's amazing! Let me tell you, it literally fills my heart with joy to see their beautiful faces every day. There is a pretty specific group of children that come to the "club" every day. (The ones that haven't gotten too old and too cool for coming to see me.) We play and laugh and I give out hundreds of hugs and thousands of kisses. They greet me in the morning with hugs and a sweet request to "assist me the game!" The game, Temple Run, is definitely cooler than I am. That is until they realize that Temple Run can't take them to the supermarket! Oh, the supermarket... Let me try to accurately describe our trips to the supermarket. It usually begins with me taking the game away and then announcing as quietly as I can that we are going to the supermarket. I say it quietly because I absolutely LOVE to see their faces as each of them register what I've just said. Once they do, it is sheer chaos. A group of usually about 15-20 kids and I then start walking down the road to Paradise. They take turns running in front and behind, fighting over my hands, asking me questions, singing and teasing each other. People stare. Oh my do they stare. And the children love the stares! They giggle, hold their heads high and grip my hand a little tighter as we walk past people that stare. Sometimes people make comments in Luganda or another language I don't understand, and I have a chorus of little voices translating for me. eventually we arrive at the supermarket in Paradise. The first couple times we went the man working the counter tried to chase the kids away before he realized they were with me! Now he knows, I'm the crazy mzungu that brings all of her children in for sweets sometimes. Usually before we get to the supermarket we discuss the price range of what they are allowed to get. Once we enter they start the search and the man working helps them decide on what they are getting. Then he counts them as they walk out so that I can pay. while I pay they wait, whisper, compare (even though they almost always get the same thing) and smile from ear to ear. then once I come out they playfully argue over who is going to carry the bag and my purse etc. we make the march back up to the club and when we get back they run wild showing their moms and playing and eating whatever it is that they got that day. The supermarket is fun because they get sweets, but it is so much more than that. The supermarket is a time when the children get to be children. They get to know, and I mean really know, that I love them because Jesus loves them. The supermarket trips provide a time when they get to ask me questions and tell me about themselves without distractions. It reinforces our little family a little more each time. I know they like the sweets, what child wouldn't, but I also know that the sweets would mean nothing without the trip to get them. I am seriously loving this time!
I have the best job in the whole world! Being at the club with the Amina moms is too much fun. I can hardly call it work. A couple weeks ago one of my best friends from home came to visit me. The moms had been waiting for this week since we first began working on the new products for Amina. We were working overtime trying to get everything ready for Kyle to take back home with her. It was crazy! I don't know what I would have done without Kyle there. I needed about 5 of me and she made up for at least two or 3 of that. As life would have it I got sick with a bacterial infection in my stomach about half way through the week. God works all things for the good of those that love him and trust him. It was a blessing in disguise for me to get sick and have to back down. When I backed down the moms stepped up and I got to watch them shine! They had beautiful ideas for designs. They managed themselves wonderfully, only really needing me a few times for little things or questions. They worked together as a team, more like a family, to get everything done. God is good. Kyle, like I mentioned before, was a life saver! She organized the club and made sure everyone had what they needed to work efficiently. She took care of me and graciously put up with my crazy. Trust me, there was crazy, and it wasn't pretty. By the time the week was over we packed almost two full suitcases to send back with Kyle to America. There are tons of new designs in jewelry, bags, scarves, etc. so keep your eyes open for the new and improved Amina products! Have I mentioned that I love my job? Thank you Jesus. You are too good to me.
Baby Hope is still in the nutrition center. For those of you that don't know the story I'll try to give the short sweet version. One day one of my Amina moms pulled me aside and told me she had a friend staying with her that has a sick baby and asked me to just come look. I was reluctant because I had committed to taking care of Ana already and there was another baby that lives near her that I was trying to help. Hilda asked me again and then when I hesitated took advantage of the moment and grabbed my hand and lead me inside. Wise woman. This poor baby girl was sick. She was clearly severely malnourished and not well. As I held her praying about what to do I had the thought to ask what her name was. When Hilda told me her name was Hope it was as if the Lord said to me directly, "There is still hope! Stop for this one." So I called a mzungu friend that has more medical knowledge than I do and he came. My Ugandan friend Paul came inside with the mzungu friend I had called and as we looked at her my mzungu friend confirmed what I pretty much already knew, this was bad and the best plan of action was to take her to the main hospital and get her in the nutrition center. As we told Hilda and she told the mom the mom kept saying no. She was scared and didn't understand exactly how sick her baby girl really was. Thankfully Paul was there and he gently but firmly told her that her child was much more sick than she realized and if she didn't take her in, it was only going to get worse. Finally with tears in her eyes the mom agreed and we immediately packed up and took Hope to the hospital. Now she is in the nutrition center and is improving by the day. Hope is no where near healthy and normal for a three year old, but she has almost improved enough to be released. She was going to be released this week but she and her mom both got malaria and that set her back a bit. Hopefully it wont be too much longer. Please pray that the mom would be able to provide Hope with the types of foods that will keep her on the path to becoming a normal, healthy little girl. If not, I'm afraid Hope will end up back in the same situation as before and may not make it.
Ana is growing and changing by the day! She is still entirely too small for her age but she is eating and she has really started playing and interacting more like a normal two year old. She has even started trying to talk more! Chede gets jealous at times but she is beginning to realize that Ana was sick and she needed help to get better. The biggest change I have seen in her is how alert she has become. She doesn't seem as groggy or like she is in pain anymore. She is alert, active and happy! Keep praying for her as she still has a long road ahead of her. Pray for me too! Leaving in 8 weeks is going to rip my heart apart. I need prayer for extra trust as I leave her in two months. It is going to take every ounce of trust and faith that I have to place both Ana and Chede in the Lords hands and trust Him to take care of them as I walk away for a season.
Teko Brian-
My sweet baby boy has been sick for a long time. Finally I decided enough was enough and I took him to the doctor that I go to. Turns out he had malaria and typhoid and they wanted to keep him for a drip and for treatments. He was scared and had a bit of a traumatic experience with the IV and it nearly broke my heart. Finally things settled and his sister arrived. She told me that his Jaja had just left to go be with his mother in the village because she is very sick and took a turn for the worse. Pray for Teko Brian and his family please. Nine years old is too young to lose your mom. Pray for complete healing for her and that she would be able to be with her children again.
My Future Plans-
Pray for me please! I will be needing to make some tough decisions about my future soon and no matter what I choose it is going to be bittersweet and hard. I have come to the realization that my heart will always be in two places. I am depending on the Lord to lead me to his will and take care of the rest. As of now I'm still not sure what the future holds. I would really appreciate prayers for guidance and a peace that passes understanding when I come to a decision. Thank you!
I think that covers most of what has been going on around here lately. It has been a busy but joy filled season and I couldn't be more thankful for this time!
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Being a pseudo mom
These days I'm a pseudo mom. My room is full of baby things and I carry sippy cups, rattles and diapers around in my purse. I know she isn't mine to keep. I still take her home to her parents every night. But during the days I'm her mom. Ana is a beautiful 2 year old girl that is much too small. She fits into size 3 diapers and 3-6 month onesies. Her parents are unable to care for her and her sister Chede, so they asked a friend to take them and care for them. This friend is wonderful and an amazing mother but also has a lot of children of her own and isn't able to give Ana the type of care she will need to grow and develop into a strong 2 year old. So we all decided that they would bring Ana to me in the mornings and I would keep her during the day and make sure she is eating well and work on a few other things that 2 year olds should do but she isn't. I could write about this all day but I'll spare you. Instead, here a just a few things I've learned and want to share:
1.) God's grace is sufficient! Oh how this is becoming real to me. There are days when I don't feel like I can face what she needs from me. Days when I feel completely inadequate. But God's grace is sufficient and He always gives me His strength to continue to love and care for Ana.
2.) I have the best mother in the whole world! I would never have even known where to begin caring for Ana if it weren't for my mother. Thank you mommy!
3.) There is no way to love and care for this baby girl fully while trying to hold back my heart. I know that she has parents who love her and long to be able to care for her. I know she isn't mine. I know I'm leaving in a little over 2 months. But I also know that she deserves all of me, even if it is going to hurt a lot more to say goodbye.
Please continue to pray for Ana and the countless other children that need extra care and nutrition. Pray for me also that The Lord would guide me and that I would have the strength to continue to give her all of me and trust that she is in the lords hands when it is time to walk away. Thank you!
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