The following challenge was given in my She Reads Truth bible study. This is a challenge I am extending to us.
"Let's take the challenge to both know the truth and to only speak the truth. Let us be women who are not easily led astray. And, because we all have influence right where we are, let's be careful to only speak the truth found in Scripture."
The challenge comes from 2 peter 2-3.
2 peter 2-3 talks about false prophets, giving into temptation, the Lord's righteous judgement, following false teaching, sinful desires and the road to destruction that it puts you on, people questioning the truth of the bible, the faithfulness of The Lord to fulfill his promises, and what sort of people we should be while we wait for His return.
(Whew! That's a lot. Please, stop now and take the time to go read 2 peter 2-3. It is God's word, and it helps set up the stage for the rest of this conversation.)
2 peter 3 ends with this:
"You therefore, beloved, knowing this beforehand, take care that you are not carried away with the error of lawless people and lose your own stability. But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen." (2 Peter 3:17, 18 ESV)
Knowing this beforehand. That carries weight friends.
Knowing beforehand that people will come and their sole mission will be to lead you astray. (2 peter 2:1-3)
Knowing beforehand that "if, after [we] have escaped the defilements of the world through the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, [we] are again entangled in them and overcome, the last state has become worse for [us] than the first. For it would have been better for [us] never to have known the way of righteousness than after knowing it to turn back from the holy commandment delivered to [us]." (2 Peter 2:20, 21 ESV emphasis mine.)
Knowing beforehand that people will question the promises of God. They will question God. They will overlook his wonders in all creation and conclude that since he hasn't come back, he must not exist. (2 peter 3:3-10)
Knowing beforehand that we are called to live holy, godly lives as we await the return of Jesus. We should be found by Him without spot or blemish and at peace when he returns. (2peter 3:11-15)
"You therefore, beloved, knowing this beforehand, take care that you are not carried away with the error of lawless people and lose your own stability. But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen." (2 Peter 3:17, 18 ESV)
This is a call to know the word sisters. That leads us to the next point.
Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
What does it take to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus? I would say the first logical step would have to be to read his word. We are so privileged to have The Word of God so easily accessible. Take advantage of that friends! Please don't hear condescension from me now. I am with you in this one. Sometimes at the end of the day I look back and think of all of the useless things that occupied my time and immediately regret that I didn't put down the [fill in the blank] and pick up the word. I have never closed my bible and thought to myself, "there were so many other things I could have been doing instead of reading my bible that would have been a better use of my time." I do however close Facebook, Twitter, buzzfeed, Netflix, my blog, etc. sometimes, (a lot of times) and wish I had gone to The Lord instead.
How else can we grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus? Prayer. In the same way that talking to a friend pulls you closer, prayer brings us closer to The Lord. Have a hard time with this one? That's ok! Let me tell you something. Jesus already knows you. He made you. You aren't going to surprise him with what you have to say. Prayer isn't a test either. You can't fail. If you're worried about doing it wrong and want an example, check out Matthew 6:9-13. Jesus modeled prayer for us so that we didn't have to wonder if we were doing it right. It's simple really; praise God, ask for his will (his desire, plan) to be done here on earth the same way that it is done in heaven, ask him for what you need, confess your sins and ask for forgiveness, ask for help to stay away from temptation and sin. Another important part of prayer is to be still and listen. This shouldn't be just a one sided conversation. You may not always hear God speak to you then and there but I promise you will hear and see him answer your prayers if you pay attention.
Community is another very important part of growing in the grace and knowledge of Jesus. Let's be to the point. If your friends are not encouraging you and speaking truth in love to you in your walk with Jesus, they are pulling you down. Fast. There is no other option. Now I'm talking about best friends right now. I'm talking about the people you live your whole life with. As believers we are called to spread the gospel to all people, and that requires making friends that do not yet know Jesus. I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about the people you allow to speak into your life. Those people need to be running the race with you. Community is so important. If you don't have a community of believers that you worship with and live life with, please find one. Jesus didn't do his ministry alone, the disciples didn't go at it alone, and we shouldn't either.
Let's look back at our challenge:
"Let's take the challenge to both know the truth and to only speak the truth. Let us be women who are not easily led astray. And, because we all have influence right where we are, let's be careful to only speak the truth found in Scripture."
Can we do this? Can we use the influence we have right where we are to speak the truth found in scripture? Can we use our knowledge of Jesus to encourage and uplift others around us? I'm in! I hope you're in with me. I'll be honest, I'm going to need encouragement and reminders to keep growing in the grace and knowledge of Jesus and speaking truth. I tend to get "shy" and back down from speaking truth in real life situations. No more. Help me here please. Let's be in this together.
Are you in? Leave a comment letting me know so that I can be praying for you!
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P.S. If you haven't heard of She Reads Truth I highly reccommend it! I read their devotionals through my YouVersion bible app.