Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Is he really enough?

My wallpaper on my computer says "I am enough." It is a reminder that I am worthy of love and connection because Jesus made me worthy, and it is also a reminder that Jesus is enough for me in every circumstance.

This week has been hard. I said goodbye to a friend that is moving back to America this week. I saw more than anyone should ever have to see in the main hospital in town yesterday. Malnourished babies that look like they shouldn't have survived this long, and sick children on the brink of death with mamas that look like they are losing hope. I walked away feeling totally broken. I don't know where Alepele is. (The oldest of my children.) She has been gone for two weeks now. I am told she is in Kampala but I don't know if she has a place to sleep, if she has someone caring for her, or when she is coming back. It is all feeling like too much right now.

It is weeks like this when I have to answer the question, "Is Jesus really enough for me? In every circumstance?"

Is Jesus really enough to take care of my baby girl? Do I really believe that He holds her and He loves her more than I ever could? Do I trust Him with her? Goodness that part is hard for me. I just want her home where I can hold her and know she is safe!

Is Jesus enough for my heart that is sad from saying goodbye to a friend? Is He enough for my friend that will now have to find his place in America again? Can we depend on him to be our comfort and our strength?

Is Jesus enough for all of the mamas and babies that are in desperate need of healing? Do I believe that He really will bring good out of every situation? Will I get to see that good? If I don't can I trust that He is still faithful?

I know that the answer to my question is yes. YES Jesus is enough. Always! He IS trustworthy. He IS dependable and He WILL be my comfort and my strength. He CAN bring healing and he WILL work all things for the good of those who love him. Even if I don't see it right now. Even if it doesn't look the way I want it to. He IS faithful.

Jesus is enough. Always. I pray that truth sinks deep into our souls and becomes real to us in undeniable, tangible ways. I pray that every time I start to feel like I can't take anymore I would just breathe the words, "You are enough for me Jesus" and choose to rest in His promises and the comfort of His arms. I pray that somehow I would be used to make this truth known to everyone I come in contact with. Jesus is enough. He will always be enough.

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