Thursday, November 21, 2013

The same grace...

I know that Jesus died on the cross for everyone.

I know that passage in the bible that says it is the sick who need a doctor not the healthy. Yet somehow I manage to continue to categorize sins subconsciously.

I don't think I'm alone in this. You know, that line we all draw for ourselves where we decide, "That. That sin is the one that pushes a person out of the reach of God's grace." For some its divorce, for others murder. For some infidelity, for others abuse. For some it's sexual impurity, for others it's addiction. We have all drawn that invisible line at some point or another. But the line is a lie. The truth is that we can never out-sin God's grace.

This whole thought process got shoved in my face during worship tonight. For the past week I have held anger and bitterness towards Ana's parents for allowing the situation to get to the point it is at. I have thought to myself, "who does that? Who allows their children to go through things like that? Who neglects their kids like that?" etc. Tonight it hit me...

We were singing something, I cant even remember what it was, and all the sudden it was as if Jesus himself were speaking saying "I died for them too!" It's such a basic concept of our faith and yet it hit me like a ton of bricks. Jesus died for Chede and Ana's parents too. It doesn't matter how many horrible things they have done, He CAN redeem them and draw them into His love and a life of freedom. Then something else got me...

My job as a Christian is not to fix them, or teach them better parenting skills. My job is to show them Jesus. The best thing I could ever do for my sweet baby girls is to show them and their parents who Jesus is and the life of love and freedom they could have in Him.

Am I doing that? Or am I judging them in anger? I want to display Christ's love for them. I want to tell them about Jesus so that they can first be set free in Him and learn to grow in Him and live and love like him. The grace God has for me is the same grace he has for them. There is nothing out of the reach of His grace. My sins are just as disgusting and filthy as theirs. I'm deceiving myself if I think any different. Praise God for his grace! The same grace...

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