Saturday, June 22, 2013

Two Homes And One Eternity

It turns out that my heart really is in two places. So now I have two homes here on earth, unfortunately I can only be in one at a time. One home is in Texas with my American friends and family, and one is here in Mbale, Uganda with my Ugandan friends and family. I don't know if you have ever experienced this feeling, but having two homes so far from each other is wonderful and miserable all at the same time. Sometimes I have to stop and praise The Lord for the life He is allowing me to live, and other times I cry out asking "why me?!" I don't understand why The Lord has entrusted me with this burden-blessing but He has. I don't feel worthy of the blessing or strong enough to carry the burden. The only thing I do know is that no matter where my home is here on earth there is one eternity. In eternity I won't be torn between two homes like I am now. In eternity I will be with my savior and all of this will be so worth it! 
Please pray with me for peace about what home is, but I'm also asking you to pray with me for the people that I encounter that don't have the assurance of a home in eternity with Jesus. I would be completely lost and hopeless without Him. I can't imagine living this life without the hope of the next one with The God that loves me enough to take on my sin and die on a cross for me. I have made some new friends here that don't yet know our Father's love, and my heart is breaking for them. Pray with me that my new friends that don't know The Lord would come to know him, trust him, and love him.
Thank you!

Friday, June 14, 2013

I got my eyebrows threaded today!

I did it. I was a little nervous, but I did it. I got my eyebrows threaded today! A new friend of mine told me she goes to a sweet Indian woman that lives near me and I decided to give it a try. My eyebrows look great! Finding her was interesting but once I did it was a great experience. I'll definitely be going back! 

Please forgive me for taking so long to write a blog post. I've been overwhelmed and honestly I just didn't know where to start! The team left a few weeks ago and I've been here on my own getting used to every day life in Uganda. Last week I took my first day off (not counting sick days) since I've been here! That was much needed. I met up with some new friends and we went to the pool at Mt. Elgon hotel. The next day after church they invited me over to play games and talk. I was so thankful for that blessing from The Lord!!! He knew I needed to make friends and he brought them to me at just the right time. 

My first week and a half on my own were a little strange. I was having a hard time organizing people and schedules so I wasn't quite doing what I thought I had come here to do. I had to fight to keep from getting discouraged about that but The Lord is faithful and he brought so much good from those weeks. As I'm sure most of you know by now I got malaria at the end of my second week on my own. I am so thankful for the doctor that stayed late to see me and for the people that took care of me. I am 100% better now! This week has been a great week. I am finally starting to feel at home here in Uganda and I have started doing the work that I came here to do! Working with the sewing club moms has been an amazing experience so far and I am so very excited to see what The Lord has for us in this new season. Tutoring the children has been challenging but so sweet. When they come, we have a blast and they enjoy receiving help and love. Now if I could just get them to start coming consistently! 

Teko Brian is number one in his class, so he doesn't get to come to the homework club. It makes me so sad to have to turn kids away but I would have 50 children in my room every evening if I didn't! It sure is bittersweet. I am so proud of my baby boy for working so hard to be excellent in his studies! (He would be so mad if he knew I just called him that! Haha sorry Brian. Like my mama always says to me, you will always be my baby!) 

Chede is cute and sweet as ever. She goes to school! She is in the baby class at Child of Hope Primary School. Her little personality is hilarious. She has learned to say a few adorable things in English and she has learned what to do when I say "give me a kiss!" Or "can I have a kiss?!" It's ADORABLE. The other day I was with her waiting for our little burn patient to arrive so I could check on her. I started singing "You Are My Sunshine" and about the third time through she started trying to sing along with me! She sure knows how to tug at my heart strings :-). 

I can't make any promises but I am really going to try to be better about posting blogs. I know a lot of you have been asking! Please continue praying with me that The Lord would bless and guide my time here in Uganda. I am comforted every time I think about my family and friends covering me in prayer all the way from home. Thank you! 

More soon,