Saturday, November 5, 2016

Prayer Request!

Hey everyone! I'm back and I have a HUGE prayer request to bring to you today.

George and I got our initial approval for his fiancé visa from USCIS. (YES!!! Praise the Lord!) Now we are waiting on the NVC to process our case and for us to get an interview date before he can get his final approval and the visa he needs to travel.

We would really love to fly on December 27, 2016 and get married on January 21, 2017, but we will only be able to do that if we this process moves along and we get an interview quickly.

I know it may seem a bit premature for us to have our hearts set on these dates, but we believe that our God moves mountains! Will you please pray with us? We could use all the prayers we can get.

We will make sure to keep you updated on what is happening. Many of you have been such faithful supporters and prayer warriors. I know that this journey finishing well will be as much of a victory for you as it is for us! Thank you friends. We love you and can't wait to see you!

Friday, September 16, 2016

Coming Home!

Well folks, It has been a crazy couple of years! My life has been changing in ways I definitely did not see coming. My brother got married and he and his wife had a baby. My best friend Krystal had a baby. People I thought would never leave Uganda decided it's time for them to go home. It has been crazy. To top it all off, I'm engaged!!! Really didn't see that one coming! If you had asked me in January of 2015 (when I first came to Jenga) what I thought my life would look like now, this would not be it. But I am so glad this is what I have! I wouldn't trade all of this crazy for the world.

My fiancé George and I have had to make a lot of hard decisions about where we will live and what we will do and how we will make this crazy wonderful cross cultural relationship work for us. This is hard. We will most likely never have both of our families living in the same place. We will always have to choose a family, choose a culture, choose a continent that leaves behind a whole big group of people that we love to pieces. That is a sobering reality or both of us. We definitely did not choose the easy road. But we chose each other and this is just part of that.

George and I have decided that what is best for us now is to move to Texas and spend some time with my family in my culture. This was not an easy decision. I look at his mom and dad, his brothers and sisters and wonder how in the world we will manage to be without them for so long! I really, really love his people. They have taken me in as their own completely. I won the in-law jackpot with this family! They are my people now too and I will be so sad to say goodbye for a while. But like I said, we really believe this is what is best for us in this season. So, Texas here we come!

George and I have a few needs during this time of transition and since you all have been such faithful prayer warriors and financial supporters over the years I knew I could mention those needs here.

  • Over the past year some of my supporters have had to discontinue their monthly support for various reasons. I completely understand and am so thankful for the time they were able to support me. However it has left quite a hole in my budget and I am in need of about $1,500 to be able to leave here with all of my bills paid!
  • On that same note, since my monthly support dropped to about half of what it was, my "general pot" that I normally use for things like plane tickets has diminished to almost nothing. So while George and I really believe it's time to move to Texas, I'm not exactly sure how we are going to do that! What I do know is that God always provides. Always. This need will probably end up being around $2,000. 
  • This one is not necessarily a need, but it is a very strong desire for both George and I. Since we plan to get married in Texas, George won't have many of his people at the wedding. We are really wanting to be able to fly about 5 people from George's family to be there for him for the wedding. I know this is a HUGE thing, but nothing is impossible with God. It will probably cost about $6,000 for us to be able to fly all of those people over for the wedding if we can find a good price. 
  • Last but definitely not least, we desperately need your prayers! We will be transitioning into a lot of unknown and a lot of new experiences for both of us. We are getting married! That is definitely new! Also, we can't come home to get married until George's fiancé visa is approved. We have two wedding dates in mind that are about 6 months apart for personal reasons. We are really hoping for the first date! Please pray for a speedy approval so that we can travel and get married! 
Your prayers are so important to us. They have carried me during these almost four years of being away from home and I know they will carry us through all that is to come. Thank you for loving me so well, and for already accepting and loving George too!

With love from the soon to be Wamukota's!!!

P.S. If you feel lead to give you can find out more about making a donation Here! Thank you for all of your prayers and support.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Prayer Request!

Hello everyone! Goodness it has been a long time since I have posted a blog. I am so sorry. I'm pretty sure I have said this before, but sometimes life just starts happening and I get so consumed with living in the moment and taking it all in that I forget to blog. It's probably not the worst thing in the world, but I know that all of you care so much and want to know what is happening in my life. For that I will say I am so sorry that I dropped the ball and please forgive me!

I wish I was back to tell you something really exciting, but unfortunately that will have to wait for another time. This post is an urgent prayer request.

As most of you know, I am a missionary, totally volunteering with Jenga in Uganda. I don't get paid by Jenga at all. I rely completely on the generosity of my friends and family and church family to have what I need to live off of. Up to this point I have never had to worry about money. I have the support of so many of you and I am incredibly grateful for that!

Recently some of my wonderful long term monthly supporters have had to stop their monthly support. I completely understand that circumstances change. I am so thankful for the time they were able to support me and the love and prayers they have given me over the years.

Unfortunately this means that I am receiving $300 less monthly than I previously was. This is huge here in Uganda! My monthly rent and utilities are just under $300 each month.

Could you pray with me? I have full faith that the Lord will provide. He has shown his faithfulness and his provision to me time and time again. But right now, I am looking at all of my bills and my dwindling account and getting a little nervous.

Please pray that the Lord would renew my faith. Pray that no matter what, I would be teachable, and trust that He is with me. Practically, please pray that God would soften the hearts of people to give. Pray that He would meet my financial needs in miraculous ways. Pray that every need of mine would be fulfilled by Him, and that this would be a testimony of His goodness. Also pray that I would be even more wise in my spending and in my giving.

I also would love prayer for the children that are counting on my support for their education. I have been so blessed to have the means to give and I sincerely feel that the Lord called me to each and every one of the children that I pay school fees for. I can't imagine that He would be calling me away from that. Pray that I would have the means to continue supporting these children, or that the Lord would bring about other sponsors if that is his will.

Thank you so much for your prayers and for standing with me in this time. I don't know what I would do without prayer warriors like you!

Blessings to each of you, and happy summer! I promise I will do my very best to post a much more exciting or lighthearted blog soon. Y'all deserve it!